KCast / Trout





19th June 2002

Release day: check the downloads page for KCast 0.3 and Trout 0.3.0rc1. KCast now uses KDE3.0 and Trout now has a (reasonably) stable release.



12th June 2002

Just a little update, you may have noticed the website has changed in design thanks to our new graphic design and website contributor Nupur Sarpal, who has also done a new logo for KCast and some icons for the KCast config screen. KCast CVS should now work with KDE 3, and Toby informs me that the Trout 0.3.0 release is just around the corner.



9th April 2002

Hi. KCast 0.2 is out, get it from the Sourceforge site. This includes the new nearly finished Trout 0.3.0 beta. No support for KDE 3.0 yet I'm afraid but that will come soon.



3rd January 2002

Hello.. not much activity here for a while but Toby has been working hard on doing the new 0.3.0 version of Trout (complete internal reworking) which is looking very good and is close to completion (get Trout from the CVS system - see the downloads page). I've added a bit to KCast since 0.1.2 so have a go at trying that from CVS too.




SourceForge Logo
logo and site by Nupur Sarpal
saunup at users.sourceforge.net